NADH Dye Profile




About NADH
NADH, known as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide + hydrogen, is a naturally ocurring compound in the body that plays a key role in energy production and contributes to the autofluorescent background in most cell and tissue preparations.
Dyes similar to NADH based on emission
Check to add to spectra viewerAtlantic Blue CellTracker Blue CellVue Lavender DAPI DY-360XL DY-370XL DY-415 eFluor 455UV Fix Viability FxCycle Violet LysoView 405 Marina Blue MitoLite Blue FX490 mTurquoise Nuclear Blue Nuclear-ID Blue Nuclear Violet NucView 405 Oxazole Blue Oxazole Blue Homodimer PhenoVue DAPI Nuclear Stain POPO-1 Sytox Blue TagBFP Tag-It Violet Aco-490