



About CPN550 Yellow
CPN550 Yellow from Stream Bio is a conjugated polymer nanoparticle with optical properties similar to Qdot nanocrystals, with optimal excitation in the UV around 325-355nm. Excitation efficiency decreases with longer wavelength excitation energy, however this means that they can be excited by multiple wavlengths. CPNs have a very high exctinction coefficient, ranging from CPNs are around 70-80 nm in size and are sold in various surface modifications including, -COOH, Streptavidin bioconjugated, EDC/ NHS, maleimide, alkene and click chemistries. In addition, CPNs contain iron oxide and are able to be analyzed by MRI.
Dyes similar to CPN550 Yellow based on emission
Check to add to spectra viewerAlexa Fluor 430 Alexa Fluor 532 ATTO 532 BODIPY R6G Calcein Orange Cascade Yellow CF405L CF514 CF517ST CF532 CoraFluor-1 CoraFluor-2 CytoTrack Yellow DY-375XL EFLUXX-ID Gold ER-ID Green Ghost Dye Violet 540 iFluor 514 iFluor 532 Janelia Fluor 525 Live/Dead Fix Yellow Live-or-Dye 405/545 Live-or-Dye 510/550 LysoBrite Orange LYSO-ID Green mBanana mHoneyDew MitoLite Orange EX405 NovaFluor Blue 555 Nuclear Orange NucSpot 470 Pacific Orange PhenoVue 512 Nucleic Acid Stain – complexed with nucleic acids Qdot 545 RealBlue 545 Rhodamine 6G VivaFix 398/550 Vybrant DyeCycle Orange CoraFluor 2, amine reactive XFD532 XFD514