PhenoVue 512 Nucleic Acid Stain – complexed with nucleic acids Dye Profile




About PhenoVue 512 Nucleic Acid Stain – complexed with nucleic acids
PhenoVue™ 512 nucleic acid stain is a cell permeable organic molecule which binds nucleic acids. It displays a higher fluorescence intensity when complexed with RNA compared to DNA. PhenoVue 512 nucleic acid stain concentrates into RNA enriched organelles, such as the membraneless organelles (MLOs), nucleoli, found in the nuclei of mammalian cells. Therefore, PhenoVue 512 nucleic acid stain is the dye of choice for nucleoli staining.
Dyes similar to PhenoVue 512 Nucleic Acid Stain – complexed with nucleic acids based on emission
Check to add to spectra viewerAlexa Fluor 532 Alexa Fluor 555 ATTO 532 ATTO 542 ATTO Rho6G BPE Brilliant Ultraviolet 563 Calcein Orange CellROX Orange CellTracker Orange CF514 CF517ST CF532 CF543 CF555 Chromeo 546 CoraLite Plus 555 CPN550 Yellow Cyanine 3 SE CytoTrack Yellow DY-485XL eFluor 565NC EFLUXX-ID Gold ER-ID Green iFluor 514 iFluor 532 Janelia Fluor 525 Live/Dead Fix Olive Live/Dead Fix Yellow Live-or-Dye 405/545 Live-or-Dye 510/550 LysoBrite Orange mBanana MemBrite Fix 543/560 MemBrite Fix 543/560 mHoneyDew MitoLite Orange EX405 mKO mKusabira-Orange2 mOrange NovaFluor Blue 555 Nuclear Orange NucView 530 Pacific Orange Pyronin Y Qdot 565 Rhodamine 6G StarBright UltraViolet 575 ViaKrome 561 VivaFix 398/550 Vybrant DyeCycle Orange CoraFluor 2, amine reactive XFD532 mFluor Blue 570 ABflo 532