mKate2 Dye Profile




About mKate2
<html>mKate2 is a monomeric red emitting protein derived from <i>Entacmaea quadricolor.</i> It has excitation and emission maximums of 587 nm and 630 nm, respectively. </html>
Dyes similar to mKate2 based on emission
Check to add to spectra viewerAlexa Fluor 610 ATTO 594 ATTO 610 ATTO Rho13 Brilliant Blue 630-P2 BODIPY 630/650 CF620R Chromeo 494 DY-480XL DY-601XL eFluor 625NC Ethidium Homodimer I Ethidium Homodimer III Katushka2S LIVE 610 LSS-mKate1 LysoView 540 LysoView 594 Magic Red mKate mKeima Nile Red Oxazole Red Oxazole Red Homodimer PE-Alexa 610 PE-ATTO 594 PE-Fire 640 PhenoVue Nile Red Lipid Stain PMA PMAxx Protoporphyrin IX Qdot 625 SNARF 1 pH9.0 STAR 520L STAR 600 SureLight RPC YO-PRO-3 YOYO-3 Zombie Red ATTO 590