About PhenoVue DRAQ7 Dead Cell Nuclear Stain
PhenoVue™ DRAQ7™ Nuclear Stain is a small molecule which is not membrane permeable and is closely related to PhenoVue DRAQ5™. PhenoVue DRAQ7 rapidly stains the double-stranded DNA in dead and permeabilized cells. It is preferentially excited by red wavelengths (Ex. max 599 & 644 nm) and its maximum emission peaks at 694 nm when intercalated with dsDNA. PhenoVue DRAQ7 is provided in an aqueous, ready-to-use solution usually added as the final step in a staining protocol. It is documented in HCS applications.
Dyes similar to PhenoVue DRAQ7 Dead Cell Nuclear Stain based on emission
Check to add to spectra viewerAlexa Fluor 660 Alexa Fluor 680 APC-Alexa 680 APC-Cy5.5 ATTO 680 Brilliant Blue 700 CF660C CF680 CF680R CF680ST CF680T Cy5.5 DRAQ 9 FLUX 680 FVS700 Ghost Dye Red 710 iFluor 680 IRDye 680LT IRDye 680RD iRFP 702 Live-or-Dye 665/685 MemBrite Fix 680/700 MemBrite Fix ST 667/685 MemBrite Fix ST 681/698 MITO-ID Red MitoLite NIR FX690 NovaFluor Red 685 NovaFluor Red 700 NovaFluor Yellow 690 NovaFluor Yellow 700 Nuclear Red Oyster 680 PE-Cy5.5 PE-Fire 700 PerCP-Cy5.5 PhenoVue DRAQ5 Total Cell Nuclear Stain ReadiLink 680-701 RedDot 1 RedDot 2 Seta-680-NHS Seta-APC-705 SeTau-647-di-NHS SeTau-647-NHS SeTau-670-NHS Spark NIR 685 StarBright Blue 700 SuperBright 702 SureLight PE Cyanine 5.5 SureLight PerCP Cyanine 5.5 Vybrant DyeCycle Ruby AbBy Fluor 680 RealYellow 703 ABflo 680 RayBright PerCP-Cy5.5