MultiDot 525 Dye Profile

Core Quantum Technologies™

355, 405

Laser Line


Common Filter


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Emission Max

About MultiDot 525

MultiDot 525 is a green emitting fluorophore optimally excited from 320 nm to 405 nm with an emission peak at 525 nm. This dye is part of Core Quantum Technologies' MultiDot product line. Each MultiDot consists of several quantum dots with a patented coating, resulting in increased sensitivity and a tighter emission spectrum which limits spectral overlap.


Dyes similar to MultiDot 525 based on emission

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5-CFDA 5-FAM Acridine Orange Aldefluor Alexa Fluor 488 ATTO 465 ATTO 488 BactoView Live Green Brilliant Blue 515 BCECF (525em) pH9.0 BCECF AM BCECF BCECF (Red em) pH5.2 BDY FL SE BDY FL-X SE BODIPY 500/510 BODIPY FL Brilliant Violet 510 Calcein AM Calcein Calcein Green Calcium Green Carboxyfluorescein CellBrite Fix 488 CellBrite Steady 488 CellROX Green CellTrace CFSE CellTrace Oregon Green CellTracker Violet CF440 CF488A CF500 CFSE Chromeo 488 Chromeo 505 CoraLite Plus 488 FITC Plus CPN510 Green Cy2 CytoTrace Green CMFDA CytoTrack Green DCF DY-380XL DyLight 488 eFluor 514 Calcium Sensor eFluor 520 Fix Viability EFLUXX-ID Green Emerald GFP ExoBrite 490/515 EV Membrane Stain FDG FITC Flash Phalloidin Green 488 Fluo-3 AM Fluo-4 AM Fluo-4 FLUOFORTE Fluorescein Fura-2 (Ca2+bound) Fura-2 (Ca2+free) FVS520 GFP Ghost Dye Blue 516 Ghost Dye Violet 510 HiLyte 488 iFluor 488 Kaede (green) KikGR1 (green) KIRAVIA Blue 520 Live/Dead Fix Aqua Live/Dead Fix Green Live-or-Dye 488/515 LysoBrite Green LysoTracker Green MagDot 525 Mag-Fluo-4 mAmetrine MaxLight 490 MemBrite Fix 488/515 MemBrite Fix 488/515 MitoLite Green EX488 MitoLite Green FM MitoTracker Green MitoView Green NeuroVue Jade NL 493 NovaFluor Blue 510 NucSpot Live 488 Oregon Green 488 BAPTA Oregon Green 488 Oregon Green 514 Oxazole Yellow Homodimer Oyster 488 PhenoVue 493 Lipid Stain PhenoVue 503 Lysosomal Stain PhenoVue Cal-520 AM Bright, Calcium Indicator PhenoVue Cal-520 AM, Calcium Indicator PhenoVue Fluor 488 PhenoVue ROS-490, Total Oxidative Stress Indicator Premo Cameleon Calcium Sensor (Ca2+ bound) Premo Cameleon Calcium Sensor (Ca2+ free) PromoFluor 488P Qdot 525 ReadiLink 405-508 ReadiLink 492-516 Rhodamine 110 Rhodamine Green ROS-ID Green Seta-385-NHS Spark Blue 515 Spectrum Green STAR 440L STAR 440SXP STAR 488 StarBright Blue 520 StarBright UltraViolet 510 StarBright Violet 515 STAR GREEN SureLight 488 SYBR Green Syto 16 Sytox Green TFAX 488 SE TFAX 488 TFP Thiazole Green T-Sapphire TSA Vivid 520 Viafluor CFSE Vio 515 Viobility 405/520 Fixable Dye Viobility 488/520 Fixable Dye Vio Bright 515 Vio Bright FITC Vio Green VivaFix 408/512 VivaFix 498/521 VRDye 490 YO-PRO-1 YOYO-1 Zombie Aqua Zombie Green ZsGreen CoraLite 488 ABflo 488 ThiolTracker Violet BDY FL Staurosporine Aluora 488 cFluor B515 Mpro Tracer CytoLiner 492/510 AbBy Fluor 488 Helix NP Green NucSpot 500/515 AccuGreen HS RayBright Blue 488 Lysosome Probe Green BDY Lenalidomide XFD488 Endoplasmic Reticulum Probe Green RayBright LIVE 488