


About VivaFix 547/573
VivaFix 547/573 from Bio-Rad is a fixable viability dye useful in flow cytometry in applications where the cells will be fixed and permeabilized. It has an excitation peak at 547 nm and an emission peak at 573 nm.
Dyes similar to VivaFix 547/573 based on emission
Check to add to spectra viewer5-TAMRA 6-TAMRA alamarBlue Alexa Fluor 546 Alexa Fluor 555 Amplex Red ATTO 550 BDY TMR-X SE BODIPY 558/568 BODIPY TMR-X Brilliant Violet 570 Calcein Red AM Calcein Red Calcium Orange CellBrite Fix 555 CellBrite Orange CellBrite Steady 550 CellMask Orange Plasma Membrane Stain CellROX Orange CellTrace Yellow CellTracker Orange CF535ST CF540 CF550R CF555 CMA-Chromomycin A3 CoraLite Plus 555 Cy3 Cyanine 555 CytoTrace Red DiI dTomato DY-395XL DyLight 549 DyLight 550 Dyomics 547 eFluor 565NC eFluor 570 FVS570 FVS575V HiLyte 555 iFluor 555 Janelia Fluor 549 Kaede (red) LIVE 550 LSSmOrange LysoView 550 MagDot 575 MaxLight 550 MITO-ID Green MITO-ID MP (high potential) MitoLite Orange FX570 MitoTracker Orange MultiDot 575 NeuroVue Orange NL 557 NovaFluor Yellow 570 OC515 OFP Oyster 555 PE PhenoVue 551 Mitochondrial Stain PhenoVue Fluor 555 PhenoVue Fluor 555 Live Cell PhenoVue ROS-570, Total Oxidative Stress Indicator PKH26 POPO-3 PromoFluor 555P Qdot 565 ReadiLink 555-570 Resazurin Rhod-2 (Ca2+ bound) Rhod-5N (Ca2+ bound) Rhodamine B Rhodamine Seta-400-NHS Seta-555-NHS Spark Blue 574 Spark YG 570 Spark YG 581 StarBright Blue 580 StarBright UltraViolet 575 StarBright Violet 570 StarBright Yellow 575 SureLight BPE SureLight RPE Sytox Orange TagRFP tdTomato TFAX 546 SE TMRE TRITC TSA Vivid 570 ViaKrome 561 VRDye 549 Zombie Yellow NucSpot 555/570 RayBright PE CoraLite 555 JFX 554, Maleimide Aluora 555 BOP-JF549 BactoView Dead 560/570 ABflo 555 mFluor Blue 570 CellTracker CM-Dil Taxol Janelia Fluor 549 ExoBrite 555/575 True EV Membrane Stain AbBy Fluor 555 XFD546 XFD555